A full manuscript with 4 pages must be submitted according to the guidance given in the abstract acceptance notification.
The deadline is February 1623, 2018.
The manuscript template can be downloaded here,
and click the folloiwng button to submit your full manuscript
(for "Application ID and Password", please check the confirmation e-mail for your submission).
The submitted full manuscript will be peer-reviewed.
All accepted full papers will be published in the USB proceedings with ISBN.
Papers dealing with any aspect of
the following topics from fundamental sciences to applied technologies are
solicited. Papers are being sought on the following key topics:
● Absorption and adsorption refrigeration
● Automatic controls
● Compressor |
● Cryogenics |
● District heating and cooling |
● Energy utilization and conservation |
● Food technology and cold chain |
● Heat and mass transfer |
● Heat exchanger |
● HVAC&R systems |
● Indoor air quality |
● IT technology in HVAC&R industry |
● New and natural refrigerants |
● Renewable and new energy use |
● Thermal/fluid science |
● Ventilation and air distribution |

All papers are to be presented in oral sessions. No poster presentation is scheduled.
Authors are kindly requested to submit an abstract of approximately 300 words in English
via this Abstract Submission system. The following information is required:
1) Title of the Paper;
2) Abstract;
3) Session Name;
4) Contact Information;
5) Authors List
The abstract should include the objectives, results, and conclusion.
All full papers will be peer-reviewed and the accepted papers will be published in the USB proceedings with ISBN.